Retreats – 2025 Public Teaching
Integrated Awakening: I am here, I am open, I am awake®
Sunday, March 16th – Friday, March 21st
Location: Mount Madonna Center, Watsonville, California
This is currently the only public retreat offered by Jennifer, and is a prerequisite for possible entry into the Mystery School.
The application period for attending this retreat opens in mid-November, with an email containing the application form and all relevant information. If you wish to be added to the list to receive this email, please contact us at retreats@jenniferwelwood.com.
Please note that this retreat fills quickly, so once the application period opens, you should apply promptly if you wish to attend. Please base your decision on whether to apply to this retreat on the description provided below, as well as on the other sections of this website, which give a full sense of what is being offered.
In this retreat we will engage the two interweaving pathways that comprise any authentic journey of transformation: the ascending pathway of realizing our awake nature, and the descending pathway of integrating that nature into our down-on-the-ground human embodiment and human life.
The retreat will include teaching, guided meditations and other spiritual practices, and guided experiential psycho-spiritual work of various kinds, including group inquiries, processes, and dyad work with a partner. We will also include the profound and sacred work of cultivating the subtle body, which is the bridge that allows our awake nature to come down to earth, and to manifest in our lives.
The retreat format includes five hours per day of teaching sessions with Jennifer, all of which are required, along with optional sessions of various kinds in the early mornings and evenings. The reatreat must be attended in its entirety, with no option for arriving late, leaving early, or missing any part of any required sessions.
More information will be provided with the application form for those who request it.